Prime Minister Youth Internship Program / Scheme 2017 Phase 2 has been all announced and now its time for the male and female candidates to be the part of it. This Prime Minister Youth Internship Program / Scheme 2017 is opened for the candidates who belong to the provinces of the Punjab, Sindh, KPK, FATA as well as Balochistan along with Gilgit Baltistan and AJK. The candidates would be getting the opportunities to be placed inside the employment sectors of the government, semi-government departments and private departments or institutions.
Prime Minister’s Youth Training Scheme 2017 Phase 2

All About Prime Minister Youth Training Scheme 2017 Phase 2:
PM’s Youth Training / Internship Programme Scheme 2017 is designed with the aim by the way of which it would be offering the fresh graduates from the chance to be the part of the employment sector of Pakistan. This scheme is just valid for the candidates who have finish with their 16 years qualification as from all over the Pakistan. Hence the students will be becoming the part of the PM’s Youth Training / Internship Programme Scheme 2017 they will be awarded with the internship programs as inside some of the leading private sector firms and development sector organizations or even inside the federal plus the provincial and local government offices. It has been announced by the program management that approximately 15,000 internees who will be selected and all those internees would be awarded with the Rs. 12,000 per month as in return of their services in the employment of 12 months. On the finishing of the internship the candidate would be given the certificate from the sector in which they were working. Candidates who are applying from the provinces of the Punjab, Sindh as well as KPK, FATA and Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan and AJK will be placed in government, semi-Government departments and private departments or institutions.
Eligibility Criteria For PM’s Youth Training / Internship Programme Scheme 2017:
Only those candidates can apply for it who are having the 16 years HEC verified education-qualification in the programs of BA, BBA, BS, MBA, M.COM, MA, M.SC, MCS and other equivalent degree).
They are also eligible if they are having the 3 years of the diploma holder after the education of the Matric of FA and FSc.
The applicant should be having the age limit of 25 years. But as from the side of the Less developed areas there is the limit of 26 year maximum age.
Candidate should have the nationality of Pakistan.
They should be Madrassa Graduates.
Ineligibility Conditions For PM’s Youth Training / Internship Programme Scheme 2017:
You cannot apply for this program if you have already availed any Youth Training Scheme/Program. Plus the Government or semi-Government Servants are also not eligible to apply for this program. Students who are studying as full time in any educational institution cannot apply.
What To Know More About PM’s Youth Training Program / Prime Minister Internship Scheme 2017?
There will be 15,000 interns from all over the Pakistan who will be selected for this scheme. Applicants would be offered with the amount of Rs. 12,000 per month for 12 months as the time span of the internship is one year. Candidates would be employed for internships in leading private sector firms and development sector organizations or even inside the federal plus the provincial and local government offices.
Last Date to Apply For PM’s Youth Training / Internship Program 2017:
Applicants can apply till the last date of the 5th November, 2017.