Iqra University (IU Karachi) Announces Admission 2024
In the growing world of professional competition, there is immense need to join an institution where your future is secure. Today, when the number of institutions is increasing rapidly the choice of selecting the best institute is very difficult. Although the private sector institutes are becoming extensive in number, yet the question of quality assurance is still there. It is just like a war where the institutes are rapidly growing in number, but a student never knows that how to secure his future after getting degree from any one these. Many of these institutions lack registration and so the degrees are not acceptable for professional careers. In this background, it is very important to select an institute with great deal of vigilance and care.
Over the past few years, Iqra University has emerged as a distinguished name in the education world. Offering multiple courses the Iqra university announces admissions for the session of 2024. The registration has already begun and the candidates are intimated to submit the forms as early as possible. Generally last date is extended again and still you should try to follow the current deadline. The admissions are open for BBA , BE, MBA, BS (advertising, animation, film & TV, Computer Sciences), M.Phil/P.hD (education, English and business administration) and weekend courses (ADE, Bed, and M.Ed). The students who are still waiting for the results are also eligible to apply for admission 2024 in the coming session.
Iqra University Admission 2024 Schedule
The admission 2024 forms can be obtained from the official website of the university i.e, while the candidates can get them from the admission offices of Iqra Universities located in the their respective cities from 9 in the morning to 8:00 PM. On Sundays, the office will remain open and the said can be obtained from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. After submitting the admission 2024 forms, the candidates will have to appear for the entry test.
Iqra University is accredited as the top ranking university teaching business studies by the HEC. If you are an eager and enthusiastic learner who wants to pursue his career in the field of business, then Iqra University is giving you a lifetime chance to join the lifetime experience. Avail the opportunity and visit the nearby branch of Iqra University. For further information regarding the admissions or the admission procedure contact the branch or visit the website. will publish the Iqra University entry test result too.
Iqra University (IU) Admission 2024-Form & Entry Test Result
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