How to Choose a Career Easily? Top Ten Career Guidance Tips For Youth
With the increasing rate of literacy one question that is becoming a common mind disturbing is which profession to choose. A career selection is a long term planning process. The career is not something to earn from. It matters a lot to select a career carefully. Anything chosen under pressure never works out well. If you are looking for the selection of a profession, just have a look at the following top ten career guidance tips that might help you in pursuing a best career.
How to Choose a Career? Top Ten Career Guidance Tips
Top 10 Career Guidance & Self Help Tips For All
1. Self assessment is of great importance. To find the right career first look for what you are and what you can do with your natural talent. Explore your personal traits which Almighty Allah has gifted you. Dig into your values. There are numerous online tests available for self assessment and career testing. Take the tests and in the light of the results, decide for the best options that match your need and your personality both.
2. Out of the list of the plausible professions that suit you, it is essential to understand the job description. Read the complete details to get to know the job before making the final decision about your future career path.
3. Reach those who have the first hand knowledge of the job you are looking for yourself. They can give you essential information especially those concerning the benefits, required skills/talent, pros and cons.
4. After following the above steps narrow down your options. While looking for a career the most important thing is the benefits and it comes in the shape of the financial gains. One must also look for the chances of promotion, while opting for a career. Stagnancy leads to disappointment.
5. Once the list narrows to such an extent that you reach your ultimate choice now decide that what are your ultimate goals in life. In the light of these goals you will decide what future you foresee in these professions.
6. A career action plan is sketched out on the presence of your objectives and goals. This action plan is required to determine the short term and long term plans.
7. Once you are done with the short listing and the selection of a career, overcome the deficiencies that you still find in yourself related to the profession. It can be qualification, experience or any additional expertise.
8.Try to discover your God gifted talent and also try to listen the voice of your inner-self. This voice will never misguide you. Change your career path even after getting a degree in a subject which you don’t like, if you really want to become successful in life. I too have a degree in Law but now i am successful in IT field as it was my passion. I left the legal field after 15 years and got success in blogging within just one year. So don’t bother about people around you. They will not help you in your crisis time but try to become the part of your success story.
9-Get the help of your teachers or professional career counselors if you are not sure about most suited future career path for you as per your natural talent and aptitude.
10-Last but not least career choice is integral to your future, hence it cannot be taken for granted, so kindly take it seriously and get the help of our team of career counselors for professional advice. We shall provide you free career counseling services. So don’t hesitate and ask your question right now. Visit and its fb page for 100% free career counseling advice. Wish you all the best for your future.