Guidelines For Applying CSS Exams In Pakistan

There are so many people around us who are basically beginners but they are not properly aware from the important tips and guidelines for applying CSS exams in Pakistan. CSS is taken as one of the trickiest and daunting test of examination in Pakistan that do test your entire knowledge which you have gained in your whole career of the education. This is for the main reason that most of the CSS examiner beginners have the want to learn about the CSS examination tricks and tactics. It is to be added that CSS stands for Central Superior Services. It is categorized out to be known as the elite and permanent kind of bureaucratic authority and civil services. They are eventually taking hold over the responsibility as where they do carry out the job post of government secretariat, directorates of cabinet and so much more. Each single year CSS examinations are held that are conducted under the supervision of the Federal Services Commission of Pakistan.

Guidelines For Applying CSS Exams In Pakistan

Top 20 Tips For Competitive Exams Preparation (CSS, PMS, CSS, NTS, ETEA)

More Information About Who Can Apply for CSS Examinations?

The entrance of the CSS examination doorways gets opened for you as you pass yourself through the degree of bachelor. You should be holding the bachelor degree that has been all affiliated with HEC identified and recognized university center. If in case your degree marks have the score that name you into the list of third division, then you cannot apply for the CSS examinations.


Lists of Posts/Departments Offered in CSS Examination?

Now let’s talk about the main departments that are interlinked with the CSS examination. As you will pass the CSS examination, you can freely make yourself as the part of anyone of these departments as if you stand according to their terms and conditions or criteria:
Police Service of Pakistan
District Management Group
Foreign Services of Pakistan
Income Tax Group
Customs and Excise Group
Commerce and Trade Group
Pakistan Audit and Accounts Services
Postal Group
Information Group
Railway Groups

CSS Exams Guide For Beginners, FPSC Rules, Eligibility, CSS Subjects & Tips  | SA VLOGS FAMILY


Method to Apply for CSS Examinations

Each single year, the examinations of CSS are held in the month of either February or March. The duration or the process of the application form submission gets on the start zone as in the month of October during the 1st October till 31st October each and every year. Examination date start up confirm news gets to appear in the months of February. Examination charges fee is usually and normally about Rs. 2200.


Step by Step Guideline For Applying in CSS Exams:

Step No 1: First of all, you should be submitting the fee into the examination in the Government Treasury or in the State Bank of Pakistan or you can submit in the National Bank of Pakistan under the account head of: “CO2102-Organs of State Exam Fee”.
Step No 2: You can submit the application form through the online procedure by visiting the website of FPSC. You have to take out the print copy of that online form.
Follow up these important tips and guidelines for applying CSS exams in Pakistan very carefully and pass yourself successfully to serve the nation of Pakistan!


Top 30 Tips For Preparation of CSS Exams | How to Clear CSS Exam in 1st Attempt? | SA Vlogs Family

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