If you are looking for the details of Nadra Computerized Arms License in Punjab 2022 then you can get the complete information from here. Here, we will tell you about the procedure and deadline details with regard to this Nadra Computerized Arms License. This is the program all initiated and started by the government of Punjab. This initiative is taken because the massive request was put forward by the people of Punjab province. Now, you can get a Computerized license of your arms. It is with the help and services of Nadra that this task can be accomplished. If you want to Computerized your arms license then right is the time to do so. The last date is 00 Dec, 2022. Till 00-12-2022 you can get done with this process.
Nadra Computerized Arms License in Punjab 2022, Last Chance, Schedule
Nadra Computerized Arms License Deadline Details 2022:
- The last date to apply is 0st December, 2022. Till this date, you can submit your application to have a Computerized arms license of yours. The date has been extended now. You should not miss this deadline now. Keep in mind this date which is 0 Dec, 2022 and get your arms license Computerized as soon as possible.
- Keep in mind that if you will not Computerized your arms license till this date of 00-12-2022 then your previous arms licenses will be marked as an invalid one. If you do have arms then you should get your Computerized licenses with the help of this method.
Fee Details Of Nadra Computerized Arms License In Punjab 2022:
- You just have to submit Rs 1400. This fees should be submitted in the UBL Omni shop. Once you will get the receipt then you have to visit the Nadra centre. You should submit this receipt fees and all the necessary documents right at the Nadra centre.
- For the information, the necessary documents that should be submitted at the Nadra centre are: Original copy of your CNIC, original copy of your receipt, original old license. Make sure that valid and authentic individual of that arm holder should come at the Nadra centre.
This is all about the information of Procedure and deadline details of Nadra Computerized Arms License in Punjab 2022. All of the individuals, they should keep in mind that this 0st December, 2022 is the last date to Computerized your arms license. You should not miss this dead line. It is a simple process. You does not have to make any effort. You only have to submit your fees and then visit the Nadra centre.
This processing will just take little time of yours. Stay tuned with us and we will further update you about this Computerized process of arms license. It is the productive project by the Government of Punjab province. With the completion of this project, proper and complete data of those individuals will be gathered that hold these arms. We need to make a safer uses of arms and it is important for us to have valid licenses of these arms.