Career Counseling-Scope of Best Career Options in 21st Century

Career Counseling-Scope of Top 20 Career Options in Twenty First Century
We are living in the 21st century. It is true that many of the individuals gets confused enough that which career line they should opt for! We can give you complete guide in this area. We have shortlisted scope of few of the career options for your which are much in demand in this 21st century. You can have a look at them:

Career options in terms of being a Management Professionals
You can opt for the degrees in the field of management. To become a management professional, this career has now become much in demand. If you have a management degree then you will get better salaries and you will also be able to enjoy some extra significant job roles too. Bt becoming the part of this field, first you will start your career line as a Management apprentice. You will get an experience and advanced extensive training for a time of 6 months. If you will do better in your job then you might earn Rs. 20 to about 25 Lacs on a per annum basis.

Become an Professional Banker
You can become a professional banker, for this profession, you have to pass and clear 3 levels of JAIBP and you can easily get the job of a GBO (General Banking Officer) 0r MTO. You will then become AVP and then finally VP (Vice President). For the salaries, you will get a range of Rs. 6 to about 12 Lacs on a per annum basis. If you will become an Analyst then your salary will be Rs. 8 to around 18 Lacs per annum.

How To Get Banking Jobs? Career Counseling & Super Tips

Software and also IT Engineer career
You can for sure become a software engineer, this profession has become much in demand in this 21st century. For this profession, your salary lies in between Rs. 6 to about 20 Lacs per annum. For the post of software programmer analysts, you will get a pay of Rs. 6 to about 24 Lacs per annum. It is a fact that the IT industry will always be in demand worldwide. Such extremely high and big salaries to these IT professionals.

Scope of Software Engineering-Earn Money, Career, Tips & Degrees

Chartered Accountant profession
If you will have the CA degree then you can work in the fields like tax management and financial accounting. You can work in the areas of cost accounting and auditing, and also banking-consultancy. If you are a fresh CA then you can easily earn around the amount of Rs. 6 to about 24 Lacs per annum.

Scope of CA and ACCA in Pakistan, Career, Jobs & Super Tips

Make your career in the fields of Oil and Natural Gas Sectors
In this 21st century, you can for sure link yourself with this sector of Oil and Natural Gas. From this sector, you will get the high salaries all the time. You can become a marine engineer or a geologist. If you are at the entry-level then your expected salary will be around Rs. 4 and will reach to 8 Lacs per annum. If you will have the 4 to 5 in years of experience then your salary will reaches to the amount of Rs. 20 lakh per annum.


Career Counseling-Scope of Best Career Options in 21st Century

Medical Profession
Medical profession can give your the surprising results in terms of your salaries. You can earn massive in amount if you will do few of the standalone surgeries and through your private practice. If you will manage to become a capable surgeon or a dentist then you can earn about Rs. 5 lacs to 20 Lacs per annum.

New Alternative Degrees of MBBS & BDS After FSc Pre-Medical in Pakistan

Aviation Profession
This aviation sector is also becoming quite advanced in these modern times. The demand of these professional pilots and stewards, the demand of ground staff and these air hostesses, it is rising. For the jumbo pilots, you will get a salary in between Rs. 5 lacs to 8 Lacs per annum.

Acting and Modeling Profession
If you can truly act then you can earn between Rs. 5,000 to the amount of 20,000 for each and every episode. For the experienced actor, they get approximately Rs. 20,000 amount to 1, 00,000 for each and every episode of their TV shows. If you have the guts of acting then you can choose this career.

Civil Servant
Its a field for those who want to rule. Its not easy to clear competitive exam, but our articles on CSS, PMS and PCS will help you in this regard.

How to Clear Competitive Exams of All Kinds?

Legal profession
We have seen that experienced law professionals earns handsome salaries for their cases. they get Rs. 6 lacs to 9 Lacs on a per year basis. If you have studied Corporate Law then you can work and give your services in the legal departments.

Career Counseling About Law & Legal Profession in Pakistan

Profession of a Business Consultant
In order to give your services as a business consultant, you have to meet all of the client’s requirements and you have to study clients’ industry in detail. You have to make the documentation, come up with the analysis and recommendations as well. If you have under 1 year of experience then your salary lies in between about Rs. 4 lacs to 6 Lacs per annum.

Become the engineer of any field of your interest. You will never repent on your decision, if you will take the decision after listening the voice of your inner self (Aptitude).

Career & Scope of Top Ten Engineering Disciplines in Pakistan & Abroad

Become a Media Person
Media has become fourth pillar of state. You can get power, wealth and fame too by adopting this field.

Career in Journalism Field, Jobs, Scope & Degrees

Education & Special Education

Teaching is not only a sacred but also a paying profession too.  There is a great scope of Special Education now a days specially in NGO sector.

Profession of Your Own Choice 

Remember that you can only excel in the field of your interest only so never enter in a profession only on the basis of its scope.

Scope of Special Education in Pakistan, Degrees, Jobs & Career

Join Armed Forces


Online Earning



These are the top most career options for the 21st century!


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