Most of the students who are planning or coming up with the SAT test in their way they would be much anxious to know that what SAT is all about. But wait! You do not have to search around from here and there because by the way of this post we would be giving you the complete introduction information about the SAT and all about its format as well. SAT stands for Socialistic Assessment Test. The concept of arranging the SAT test was initiated in the year 1926 by giving it the shape of the standardized paper. It is merely taken by the universities for the students as in favor of the under graduate programs. The main purpose of arranging the SAT test is to figure out the writing, reading and mathematical skills of the students. This test has the duration of about 3 hours 15 minutes. It is basically conducted by the college or the university management.
All About SAT Test Introduction, Preparation Tips & Format

3 Stages of SAT Test Format:
There are basically three main stages of the SAT test format:
Mathematical Skills
Information About Reading Section:
This section has the test duration of about 70 minutes. This section is all about the questions that is based on the sentence completion along with the paragraph length as well. Plus, you would also be given the questions related with the reading comprehension. This section will have 3 sub sections mentioning with one 20 minutes of section and other 2 will have the duration of 25 minutes.
Information About Writing Section:
This section has the duration of one hour in which you would be writing an essay for the duration of 25 minutes. This section has two main sub section as one section has duration of 10 minutes and other 2 have duration of 25 minutes. In this section, you would be given short questions about the sentences along with the correction of error and improvement of the sentences. You would be given the paragraph writing too in order to check with your writing ability.
Information About Mathematical Section:
This section of SAT test has the duration of about 70 minutes. In this test you will be finding 3 sub sections in which 2 sub sections has the duration of 25 minutes and one sub section has the duration of 20 minutes. This section do includes the MCQs questions that are all about the algebra, data analysis and questions on the geometry.
Important and Helpful SAT Test Tips:
In the reading section it is important that you should be reading all the paragraphs with great care and attention. You should not be missing out even one single line.
In the writing section, you should read the topic of essay twice times and jumble up with some important points at one side of the paper.
In the mathematical section you just need to keep your mathematical skills fully polished because sometimes tricky questions might come in your way.
You should freely speak English with others and be confident with your pronunciation so that you won’t be finding any issued while speaking or reading it.