Latest Teaching Jobs in KPK, Apply Online For SST Jobs 2022, Check Answer Key & Merit Lists
Government of KPK has come up with the new announcement by opening the fresh and latest updated posts for the education secondary department. You can get all the details about the application form submission by visiting official NTS website. Let’s guide you more about how you can apply for SST Jobs 2022 in K.P.K and about the eligibility criteria requirements.
Information about Eligibility Criteria for SST Jobs in KPK
1. Secondary School Teacher (SST, Biology, Chemistry) BPS-16
Qualification Required: Applicant can apply if they are having a required bachelor degree in any of the courses (chemistry, biology, botany) from an HEC recognized institution.
Age Required: Age limit of the candidates should be between the nineteen to thirty five years.
After the selection, it is mandatory for the all applicants to take atleast nine months of training from the centers of P.I.T.E/R.I.T.E.
2. Secondary School Teacher (SST, Physics) BPS-16
Required Qualification: Applicant can apply if they are having a required bachelor degree in the course of physics from an HEC recognized institution.
Age Limit: Age limit of the application has to be in between the 19-35 years old.
After the selection, it is mandatory for the candidates to take at least 9 months of special training from the centers of PITE or RITE.
3. Secondary School Teacher (SST) BPS-16
Qualification Requirements: Applicant can apply if they are having a required bachelor degree in any of the courses general subjects from an HEC recognized institution.
Age Needed: Age limit is again 19-35 years.
After the final selection, it is necessary for the successful applicants to take at least 9 months of concerned training from the centers of PITE and RITE.
4. Secondary School Teacher (SST, IT) BPS-16
Qualification Needed: Applicant can apply if they are having a required bachelor degree in any of the courses information technology, computer science, or computer science related programs from an HEC recognized institution.
Age Limits: Age limit for you is between the 21-35 years.
For the selection of the teachers, a specific criterion has been set. The whole written test is put together in 200 marks. For all the regions and districts, a separate merit list will be formed in which applicants will be registered on the basis of the marks and qualification criteria.
Selected applicants will be selected over 1 year of contract criteria. For the under-privileged candidates 2% quota has been set for which the applicant has to submit medical board certificate with application form.
At the time of interview, applicant should bring along their all educational documentation as a piece of verification. At the time of interview no TA/DA will be allowed. Only those educational certificated will be accepted which are attested from the government institutions.
Last Date to Apply for SST Jobs 2022
Applicants can submit their application forms till the last date of 0rd November 2022. No application will be accepted after the closing date. The whole process of application form filling and submission criteria has been explained on the website of NTS. Below we have given the ad in Urdu language too for SST jobs 2022 in KPK.
Click Here To Apply Online For SST Jobs 2022 in KPK
Click Here To Check NTS Result & Answer Key For SST Jobs 2022 in KPK
Latest SST Jobs 2022 in KPK, NTS Form, Result, Merit List
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