Lets read out the scope of PaK Air Force PAF Jobs in Pakistan, tips & required skills. If you want to offer your nation with safety as well as protection, then the time has arrived to make yourself getting connected with Pakistan Air Force field line! This professional category is getting hugely in greater demand among the students as for the reason of proud recognition as well as identification status. As by checking out over the web page blog post, you will be catching an insight into the details as related the whole as through career and scope of the Pakistan Air Force. As the passage of time this field has turned out to be becoming finest known profession as being taught in Pakistan.
Scope of Pak Air Force PAF Jobs in Pakistan, Tips & Required Skills
Job Options Opened for Pakistan Women in Pakistan Air Force
Job as Aeronautical Engineer in Pakistan Air Force
- You can become an aeronautical engineer and can serve in this Pakistan air force. It is all through the help of this CAE course that female candidates from Pakistan can serve in this job line. Upon the completion of this CAE course, you will be hired and posted as aeronautical engineer. At this PAF academy Risalpur, you will get 2 years of training by being posted on the post of aviation cadet and then you will get the post of pilot officer when you will complete this 2 year time frame of training.
Job as General Duty Pilot Officer in Pakistan Air Force
- For the female citizens of Pakistan, they can even serve in this Pakistan air force while being posted on the job line of general duty pilot officer. It is through this GDP course that you get posted on the job line as general duty pilot officer. In this job line, you will be involved in the 2 years of training phase right as aviation cadet. You need to have 60% marks in your matric as well as FSc education.
Job Areas Opened for Male Candidates in Pakistan Air Force
You can too become a general duty pilot officer. You can work for the navigation sector, or for the air defence sector. Then departments linked with admin and special duties departments, department of information and technology in air force sector of Pakistan is opened for the male citizens of Pakistan as well.
Benefits to Join PAF Pakistan Air Force
- You will get this Defence Services Officers Provident fund. It is also called as with the name of DSOP
- Then you will get concession on your air fares and on your railway tickets. Housing schemes will be offered to you. Free medical treatment provision facility will be given at your table.
This is how you can join PAF Pakistan air force. It is a well established defense department and opened for all make and female citizens of Pakistan. So serve in Pakistan air force and enjoy its immense benefits as well. Just keep in touch with and readers will get to have more information that how they better look for PAF jobs in air force department of Pakistan. More details are coming soon.