Ehsaas Program 2020 For Getting Emergency Cash of 12000 For Four Months-Send SMS at 8171
Prime Minister of Pakistan has decided to help the daily wages people of Pakistan who are unemployed now a days due to coronavirus lockdown. This lockdown has been extended now. No body now that for how much more time it will continue. That’s why imran Khan has decided to provide emergency cash amount to daily wagers of Pakistan. For this purpose Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program 2020 has been launched. This emergency Ehsaas Program 2020 is just for 4 months. During these for months daily wagers will get 12000 rupees monthly. This Ehsaas program is 100% transparent.
Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program 2020-Get 12000 Monthly-Ehsaas Program
How To Apply For Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program 2020?
For applying in Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program 2020 you will have to open the message open in your mobile phone then write your CNIC number in it and send this message to 8171. That’s all it is the total procedure for applying in this special ehsaas program 2020. Within no time you will receive the SMS from Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program 2020 in your cell number. Later on a team of Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program 2020 will visit your residence for verifying your current economical status.
Then on the recommendation of this team you application will either accepted or rejected. This process will be completed within a week. In case of acceptance of your application you will get 12000 monthly for upcoming 4 months during this coronavirus pandemic crisis. You will get payment either through bio-metric system of banks or through easypaisa or jazzcash.
Budget of 144 billion rupees has been allocated by federal government for this special Ehsaas Program 2020. 12 million families will get monthly support under this Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program 2020. Remember that this scheme is just for laborers and daily workers, so share the given information with the poor people around you, so that they may also get some help in cash from central government.
Click Here To Check Your Eligibility Online For Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program 2020