Patwari Jobs Information, Grade, Pay, Duties, Benefits, History, Skills Needed, Tips, FAQs

Patwari Jobs: A Comprehensive Job Guide about Revenue Officer
Are you looking for a rewarding career in the public sector just after intermediate? Do you have a passion for helping others & have a love for numbers and legal processes? If so, you might want to consider Patwari jobs. Being a Patwari has been an important position in Indian sub continent including Pakistan & Bangladesh for centuries, as they keep the records of land details & land revenue and maintain them.



Duties of Patwaris

In today’s world, the Patwari job description has evolved to be a crucial part of the governance process in India and Pakistan. Patwaris are responsible for maintaining land records, conducting surveys & acting as a point of contact for landowners. They are also involved in the collection of revenue related to land & maintaining the data of crops and rainfall. In addition, Patwaris are often called upon to resolve land disputes & ensure that all landowners are properly registered. Unofficially they perform lot of other duties assigned by senior officials on various occasions like collecting data in disasters/epidemics, surveys and making arrangements on tours of senior officials.


Patwari Jobs Information, Grade, Pay, Duties, Benefits, History, Skills Needed, Tips, FAQs

Patwari Jobs Information, Grade, Pay, Duties, Benefits, History, Skills Needed, Tips, FAQs


In short, traditionally, a Patwari is a term used for the junior-most revenue employee in a state government. The basic job description of a Patwari includes the maintenance of land records, collection of revenue, and maintaining and updating cadastral maps and other land records. Patwaris are responsible for ensuring the accurate measurement of land, classifying it, and calculating land revenue accordingly.



Powers of Revenue Officer

The powers of a Patwari (or revenue officer) include:

1-Collecting revenue from agricultural land and other properties.
2-Keeping records of land ownership and transactions.
3-Preparing and maintaining land records.
4-Assessing the value of land for taxation purposes.
5-Land consolidation after each 25 years



Key Benefits

Patwaris enjoy both monetary and non-monetary benefits. In terms of monetary benefits, Patwaris are entitled to a fixed government salary along with additional perks, such as housing allowance, medical insurance, and travel expenses. Remember that positions in the government sector are generally considered stable & reliable with pension after retirement. Patwaris also enjoy a good work-life balance as they work in normal office hours. They also have access to government-sponsored benefits such as scholarships for kids, marriage grant for daughter and life insurance, pension and other facilities including travel allowances. Non-monetary benefits such as job security, respect & social status are also significant benefits for individuals aspiring to become a Patwari.



History of Patwari Jobs

The history of Patwari jobs dates back to the ancient Indian period. Patwari was a village accountant who was responsible for maintaining records of land and revenue in rural areas. Patwari was a very important position in the village administration and was appointed by the king or local ruler.


In the medieval period, Patwari was responsible for collecting taxes from the villagers and maintaining records of land ownership and revenue. He was also responsible for settling disputes between villagers & local landlords or Jagirdar. Patwari was also responsible for keeping track of births, deaths & marriages in the village or its territorial jurisdiction.


In the modern period, Patwari jobs have changed significantly. Patwari is now responsible for collecting local taxes, maintaining records of land ownership & providing data to the govt for various development projects. Patwari is also responsible for keeping records of land use, crop production & other agricultural activities in his area.


Patwari jobs are still important in rural areas & the government is taking steps to modernize this important job. The government has introduced computerized systems for land records and revenue collection, which has made the job of Patwari easier. The government is also providing training to Patwari to help them understand the new technology and use it effectively.



Tips For Preparation

The competition for Patwari jobs is high & candidates must prepare well in order to successfully pass the recruitment process. Applicants will need to have a good understanding of legal processes and be able to read and follow maps. Basic computer skills are also important, as Patwaris are expected to maintain digital land records. To prepare for the recruitment process, candidates can consult with previous years’ question papers and books that are available for the Patwari exam.
In short, to become a Patwari, you need to successfully pass the Patwari Recruitment Exam. To crack the exam, you must stay consistent with the syllabus and continuously practice mock tests. You can also join coaching centers or online platforms that offer preparation courses specific to the Patwari Recruitment Exam.



Pay & Scale

The pay for Patwaris varies based on the province and the level of seniority. In start Patwari can expect to earn a salary of around Rs. 35,000 per month. In addition, they may be eligible for annual increments and promotions to higher positions. Besides basic pay, Patwaris are entitled to Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, and various other allowances, which increases their take-home salary. BPS 9 is given to patwari.



Qualities Needed For Patwari Jobs

To become a successful Patwari, applicants must have certain special skills such as strong organizational & data management skills, analytical thinking, attention to detail, ability to handle legal procedures, in-depth knowledge of mathematics, map-reading skills and knowledge of regional languages. It is also important for Patwaris to be able to communicate effectively, both in verbal & written modes of communication. Patwaris must be comfortable working with numbers, possess patience and the ability to handle large volumes of paperwork.



Important Note

Retired patwaris are also hired by different departments due to their skills like DHA, army, land development companies and private housing schemes etc.



Difference between Patwari and Tehsildar

The key difference between a Patwari & a Tehsildar is the scope of their duties. A Patwari is a village-level revenue officer who is responsible for maintaining records of land & property ownership in a particular village. A Tehsildar is a Tehsil-level revenue official who is responsible for maintaining records of land and property ownership in a particular Tehsil. Patwaris and Naib Tehsildars are subordinate to Tehsildars and report to them. Tehsildars are also responsible for the collection of revenue from villages and for ensuring that the revenue is properly distributed.



Patwari jobs are a great opportunity for individuals who want to have a stable career in government service. The job offers numerous benefits and requires specific skills for a successful career. Preparing for the Recruitment Exam through relevant courses and maintaining a consistent study schedule can increase the chances of qualifying for the job.


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Top 10 FAQs with Answers

Q 1. What is the educational qualification required for a Patwari job?

Ans 1: Normally, a Intermediate (ICS passed students are preferred) is the minimum educational qualification required for a Patwari job.

Q 2. What are the eligibility criteria for Patwari recruitment?

Ans 2: The eligibility criteria vary based on the province where the recruitment is taking place and the age limit is usually between 18 to 25 years.

Q 3. What is the selection process for Patwari jobs?

Ans 3: The selection process includes a written & IT test followed by an interview and document verification.

Q 4. How can I prepare for the Patwari recruitment process?

Ans 4: Candidates can prepare for the Patwari recruitment process by reviewing previous years’ question papers and actively attending coaching classes if available.

Q 5. Can Patwaris be promoted?

Ans 5. Yes, Patwaris can be promoted to senior positions such as Tehsildar or Naib Tehsildar, depending on their experience and performance.

Q 6. What is a canal patwari?

Ans 6. A Canal Patwari is a revenue official who is responsible for the collection of revenue from canal irrigation projects. They are appointed by the provincial government and are responsible for the maintenance of records of land ownership, measurement of irrigation canals, collection of water taxes, and other related duties.

Q 7. What is the working hours of a Patwari?

Ans 7: Patwaris generally work regular office hours, Monday - Saturday, with weekends off.

Q 8. What is the job location for Patwari roles?

Ans 8: The job location for Patwari roles varies based on the province and district they are assigned to.

Q 9. What is the job responsibility of a Patwari?

Ans 9: The main job responsibility of a Patwari is to maintain land records, including conducting surveys, collecting revenue, and acting as a point of contact between landowners.

Q 10. How many Patwari jobs are available every year?

Ans 10: The number of Patwari jobs posted each year varies by districts and can depend on government budgets and the need for additional staff.