How to Verify & Attest Degree or Documents Online From HEC? Complete Method of HEC Degree Verification in Urdu & English
Do you want to know how you can attest your documents online through HEC E-portal system? If yes, then this is the right place for you to get the required information in which we are explaining you all the steps which are needed to attest the degree or documents online without any hassle. HEC online degree verification method is very easy which has been explained on this page for making it more clearer for you.
HEC has just newly introduced the online E-portal system with which the student can have their educational documents gets attested online by following few steps.
Step by Step Guide for Degree Verification Online from the HEC
Right through the online E-portal system introduced by the HEC, student will be able to have their documents be verified easily through the online access without any hassle. But for that sake it is important to follow the steps carefully to have your degrees be verified successfully online. Let’s discuss all the about HEC online degree verification steps one by one:
A to Z Procedure For HEC Online Degree Verification
HEC Degree Verification Step No 1:
You need to firstly log yourself in the system of E-portal. If you are not having a link of it, you can even search it from Google or visit HEC official website.
HEC Degree Attestation Step No 2:
Mention your details about mobile phone, CNIC and email address for creating your own student account.
Step No 3:
Click on applications or my tasks option in which you have to mention all the details in your profile.
HEC Online Degree Verification Step No 4:
You have to now upload the educational documents one by one. You have to also attach the CNIC having both sides, along with photographs in passport size, and your educational documents. As you are done with it, click option of “SAVE & CLOSE”.
After you are done with the uploading, you have to choose the option of the accreditation & attestation. Now choose option of the “HEC online degree attestation system”. Fill all your major information in the portal system.
Step No 5:
In the next step, you now have to select any below options:
Duplicate attestation
Attest all new degree
Updating an attested piece of degree
Supplementary attestation
Stage # 6:
Choose the senior official person who will be attesting your documents successfully. Try to choose a senior person who is in your area or city.
Step HEC Degree Verification Process Step No 7:
Be certain that you should be uploading all of your original documentation of CNIC, your passport and educational documents. As you are done with the uploading, click the option of “SUBMIT”.
Stage # 8:
To figure out whether the documents are standing according to the HEC requirements, officials of HEC will be verifying all your major documents one by one. If they are accepted, you will get an email from the HEC.
HEC Attestation Procedure Step No 9:
In case if you did uploaded the wrong document you will once again make your way back to the step 1 and fill all the details one by one till step no 8.
Step Number 10:
Just after the acceptance of your documents, HEC will send you a message through phone number or even send you an email to let you know the details of time and date to visit HEC with all the important documents. HEC online degree verification method has also been given on this page in Urdu language. If you have confusion in your mind about any step then read the Urdu article given below;
How to Contact HEC? Email, Address, Phone, Mobile & Fax Numbers
HEC Online Degree Verification Method-A to Z Process (Urdu & English)