Latest 13000 Educators Jobs 2018-New Recruitment Policy by Punjab School Education Department
Punjab government has decided to recruit 13000 educators in the province during the year 2018. New recruitment policy for educators jobs 2018 has been announced by Punjab government school education department. There are 13000 positions of educators are vacant in different districts of Punjab, that’s why government has decided to fill all these vacant positions. As per the new policy B.Ed degree will be compulsory for all candidates Candidates who will not have BEd degree will be ineligible to apply for Punjab educators jobs 2018. No female teacher will be recruited in the boys school. For BPS 14 jobs BA, B.Sc candidate will not be eligible to apply. For such posts only MA, M.Sc candidates who have BEd degree too will be allowed to apply. No marks will be given on the basis of union council. Recruitment on Punjab educator jobs 2018 will be on merit basis only.
Science educators must have 2 subjects from Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biology in intermediate. No concession will be given to current government servants. All commerce graduate including MBA, BBA, Agriculture graduates are not eligible to apply for educators jobs 2018. Candidates who have degrees of subjects which are taught in schools (like Urdu, English Islamic Studies, Pakistan Studies, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics) will be eligible to apply for educators jobs 2018. No special marks will be given to the candidates having additional degrees.
You may read the details about new policy for recruitment of educators in Urdu in the newspaper ad cutting below this page. Ad of the educators jobs will also be published on this page. You may find many useful online tests in for preparation of written test for educator jobs in our online tests category. Visit and like our facebook page for latest alerts about educators jobs in all districts of Punjab.