Career in Civil Service Field (CSS & PMS)-Tips in Urdu & English

Career Counseling About Civil Service Fields of CSS & PMS- Golden Tips in Urdu & English
All of us have heard about these competitive exams or civil service, we are talking about CSS and PMS exams. Here is the guide for you that how can you make your career in these exams. These are government level exams and the candidates are hired on senior grade posts, like on the assistant director posts and on BS-17 grade posts. These tests comprise of two stages, the written test is first conducted and then interviews are taken place.


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Career in Civil Service Field CSS
For this exam, the candidate should have bachelor level education. He should have second division up to this level of education.

This competitive exam test consist of compulsory subjects and options subjects. Written test is of 1200 marks and interview is of 300 marks. Compulsory subjects are of 600 marks and optional subjects carry total marks of 600 range.

In compulsory subjects, English essay subject, English precis and composition, everyday science, Pakistan studies, current affairs and Islamiyat subject is included.

Rest the list of optional subjects is extensive. You have to make suitable combinations of subjects from different group options available in the CSS optional subject list.
The career in CSS field line, it is quite clear. Considering your total marks and merit, you will be posted to different government departments.

The departments of PAS public administrative sciences, police department, customs department, income tax and revenue department, railway and postal department, in these department successful candidates are posted.

Your direct posting and hiring will be made at BS-17 grade and then gradual promotions will be made. This hiring will be followed by a training procedure, one year training will be done at civil services academy.


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Career in Civil Service Field PMS (Provincial Management Services or Combined Competitive Exams)
Then we have public service commission competitive test and this test is also of 1200 marks. 600 marks are for compulsory subjects and in this list, English subject, essay subject, urdu, Islamic studies, Pakistan studies, general knowledge are included.

Optional subject section is of total 600 marks as well and student can choose these optional subjects by making the right combinations. He can only choose single subject from the single slot. All optional subjects carry 200 marks each.

The same eligibility is followed in this competitive test too. Minimum bachelor level education is required and the candidate has to pass all optional and compulsory subjects so that he can be qualified to the interview phase.

This test is just for Punjab zone applicants and the hiring is done in the Punjab provincial zone departments.

The passing of PMS competive test will rank and post the candidate at BS-17 scale post.

Stay connected and you can easily make a career in civil service field if you have interest in doing government level jobs. We will share more info on these CSS, PMS competitive tests so stay tuned with us.

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Career in Civil Service Field (CSS & PMS)-Tips in Urdu & English

Career in Civil Service Field (CSS & PMS)-Tips in Urdu & English