By this piece of article we will be giving you out with the complete HAAD exam guide! If you are planning to give out the HAAD exam guide then we are sure that this piece of article would be giving you out with much helpful information. HAAD is basically taken as the test that is one of the most demanding and yet the popular certification exam that enjoys great popularity and authority in the IT filed. It is somehow taken as the difficult test for the beginners therefore the beginners should be having a complete guideline about solving the paper out. There are so many candidates all over the world who hence get their desired passing score with our HAAD pdf torrent.
Complete HAAD Exam Guide
Information About Exam Pattern of HAAD:
The exam pattern is to be held is as follows:
Number of questions will be 120 that will be in the form of MCQs.
Allowed time duration to solve the paper will be almost150 minutes
Passing marks for the test is around 60%
Now the main question that do hit so many minds is that what sort of questions are to be asked in the HAAD. Well the questions will be about the straight 1-2 line questions that will be all followed by multiple choice options. There will be the access of the two columns that comprise of the 3 lines/words in each column.
Important Tips for the HAAD Exam:
As you do make your way inside the exam center, it is important that you should be following up with some certain steps in order to complete up the whole examination process. Some of the important tips are as follows:
You should be making your way into the “Check In” at the reception desk in the Test Centre at the point as where you will present your two forms of valid all along with the original identification.
You will be verifying all the documents of your appointment time, as well as your identity, and they will take a photo of you and collect your signature on an electronic signature pad after which you will be allowed to make your way inside the test center.
In the location of the test center, the applicants are not supposed to bring certain accessories or items along with them. Some of the items included in such particular list are as follows:
Mobile telephones
Blue Tooth headphones
PDAs Handbags
Paper Drinks and food
Pens, pencils, markers
You should be fully prepared when you are heading towards the test examination center. You should be taking the help of the HAAD past papers or the friends who have already made an appearance in the test to get the complete knowledge about the test pattern and questions. We hope that at some stage of time this complete HAAD exam guide would have come about to be a lot informative for you.
Start preparing for it now!