All About GMAT Test In Pakistan

Right over this webpage we would be heading towards the discussion as all about the GMAT test in Pakistan. GMAT is basically taken as one of the most prominent test in Pakistan. It is abbreviated to be known as “The Graduate Management Admission Test”. This test has been hence created and yet to be supervised and administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). It is a standardized test that is to be delivered in English that to be widely used as part of the assessment process for the purpose of the admission to MBA programs in Business Schools or in other graduate management programs.

All About GMAT Test In Pakistan

All About GMAT Test In Pakistan

List of Main Skills Required in GMAT test:

In order to successfully cross the stage of the GMAT it is important that you should be having a specific knowledge about it in terms of the skills criteria. Some of the major skills needed in it are as follows:


The very first skill required in it is related with the endurance in which you should be focusing on the questions as for the duration of nearly 3 hours & 40 minutes. In short, we would say that the physical and mental exhaustion is part of the test’s challenge.

Grammar, Reasoning and Skills of Argument:

This test is also regarded out to be important when it comes to the measurement of the intellectual ability. This test is all about the combination of the subjects of mathematics as well as English and logic too. There is no use of calculators permit at the time of the test. Therefore, you should be having a complete practice doing basic math calculations.

Test-taking Skills:

In this category of the skills you should be having a strong ability to guess, as well as work at an appropriate pace, and also in regard to make decisions under pressure.

The GMAT is basically known out to be the computer adaptive test (CAT) that is all having maximum testing time of 3 hours and 40 minutes. There are four sections in the test as mentioned below:

  • Analytical Writing Section (task 1)
  • Analytical Writing Section (task 2)
  • Quantitative (Problem Solving & Data Sufficiency)
  • Verbal (Reading Comprehension, Critical Reasoning, & Sentence Correction)

Now let’s discuss each one of these sections one by one:

Analytical Writing Section:

This section is all about writing of the essay by making the use of the basic word processor. It is comprised with the two separate writing task namely with the Analysis of an issue essay and also in the account of the Analysis of an argument essay. You are allowed to finish this portion as in about 30 minutes to.

Quantitative Section:

This section is all about mathematics that adds up with 37 questions as in this section that hence comprise two kinds of questions mentioning with Problem Solving (PS) and Data Sufficiency (DS). All the questions in this section will be related with the Number Systems, Percentages, Fractions & Decimals, Algebra (including Quadratic Equations), as well as Geometry plus the Ratio & Proportion, Area & Volume of 2-D and 3-D figures, and Probability.

Verbal Section:

This section is all about the basic skills of the English that is all combined with the reasoning as well as analysis. It adds up with 41 questions which you need to attempt in 75 minutes as consist of three types such as Sentence Correction (SC), Critical Reasoning (CR), and Reading Comprehension (RC).
So, this was all about the GMAT test in Pakistan! If you are applying for this year GMAT test in Pakistan be sure that you do keep all these guidelines in mind as well!